
By FrankS

A Dead Mouse

Well not quite a dead mouse, more a mortally wounded one.

Spent the afternoon with a customer on Luddington Road firstly declaring the mouse was definitely not functioning in the area of the left button, great for right-clicking, but a little limiting in use. So it was into town to buy a new one. I compared mice in Robert Dyas and the well-known High Street computer shop next door. It was a no brainer really, £4.99 from Dyas, £14.99 next door for the same model.

So mouse sorted and working fine. The account holder then spent the next hour on the phone to BT (the first half was pressing selection buttons before getting through to an actual person) organising a contract for decent broadband instead of the snail-paced ISDN she was receiving - for £5 a month cheaper - deal!

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