Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Heavy lifting

This really looks quite cruel, making Euan carry what looks like a carpet! In fact, it is really light, weed control fabric for the garden. He loves to help and I had to go in to get the camera and then daddy had to sneak a roll from the garage back into the boot of the car, just so I could get a picture! Glad I did!

What a busy day. Just starting to get organised for the weekend. It started with an early morning, with euan telling me he needed a nappy change. This usually consists of

me: have you done a poopoo?
him: yup
I change his nappy, no poo in sight and he looks at me and says
him: Just a fart!

Off to homebase to pick up play area bark, managed 6 bags in the car. Planning another trip tomorrow afternoon. Then off to pick up Granny to take her to an appointment, where we waited in the car while Euan slept.

Witnessed a car reverse into the side of another car and just drive off. Took his number plate, wrote a note and gave it to the girl driver when she got back to her car. She phoned me later to thank me for the details as her insurance company are now trying to obtain the other guys details.
Next, off to Costco to buy all sorts of nibbly things for my party on sunday, then to M&S in Westhill. Martin bought me flowers there for my birthday tomorrow.

After that, returned home to drop off all the shopping, picked up the Greats (and their car!) and off to B&Q to make the most of their 10% discount card! New lawnmower and weed control fabric bought and back to theirs for a cup of tea, then home for another.

Lazy evening after tea, Euan in bed and asleep within 20mins. Would love a birthday lie in tomorrow, not convinced that will happen!

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