Of Lyte And Darke

By Fiere

We Built This City

So today was really cool for once :D in the morning we went to this thing called "We built this city". It's in Aotea Square and basiaclly you have an hour in which you build anything you can imagine out of....boxes. It sounds pretty boring but was actually amazing :D we built tunnels and walls and we had the biggest tower :D feel like a little kid again. Just wish it had been longer!

I love the city. But don't get to go there much as mum doesn't like it and only takes us there when it's absolutely necessary :P

This evening we went to a play called Sinerella. It's like Cinderella...except a Samoan version :D the whole thing is interspersed with songs I knew and was hilarious... So two good things today :D all in all, not bad :D

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