Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


Today, Bethan came over, as planned. It was super nice. Today is 420 day, for those of you, who understand! :)

Bethan came to mine for the afternoon/evening until we set off for Azza's We spent our time laying together in my huge bed, snuggled up, kissing and whatnot. Afterwards we lay together, me in boxers and her in just her huge hoodie, we fell asleep with our noses pressed together, with one hand we held hands, and with our free hands, we held eachother super tight.

We then went off to celebrate 420 with everyone, and it was fun. In all honesty i'm still pretty wrecked while i'm typing this.

Green does get rid of the scary stuff, she seemed happy tonight, and over the course of the night, I realised that we're absolutely perfect for eachother. She's everything I could ever want, she likes the same things as I. She completely understands me, and vice versa, of course.

This is an adorable snapshot of my girl asleep after I'd tired her out. Then my little cat Sage clambered up and snuggled with her, I love this photo, it's both my absolute favourite girls, in one place.


"Does it hurt?"
"It's different to normal. It's sort of weird."
"Good weird? Do you still want me to do it again next time?"
Amazing weird. Yes of course I do! I loved it."
"I can't wait! You're the best girlfriend i've ever had, you're so fun, and I can totally be myself with you."
"You've no idea, I'm so comfortable with you, I never thought i'd find someone who'd want to! It's because we're the same person and I love you." she whispered, as she swayed out in the cold

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