What's the betting...

...on the French Presidential Election?

Not that I'm a betting person - (I won on the Grand National in 1975 and declared that it was not likely to happen again, so haven't bet since).

However, there is keen interest in the British media about the first round of voting tomorrow in France.

If you would like an excellent run down of what the opinion polls think will happen, then have a look at Clarabel's blip of a few days ago.

For the current betting from Ladbrokes:
Francois Hollande 1/10
Nicolas Sarkozy 5/1
Marine Le Pen 40/1
Jean-Luc Melenchon 100/1
Francois Bayrou 100/1
Philippe Poutou 200/1
Eva Joly 200/1
Nathalie Arthoud 200/1
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan 200/1

So Sarkozy may already be packing his belongings! I think many in France are expecting Hollande to win, but look at Le Pen - just like her father some years back, she is obviously thought to still be in the running. A week is a long time in politics, but there would be two weeks before a second run-off on the 6th May if there is no outright winner tomorrow. And in that time, it may only take a gaff by either or both of the two leading candidates for someone like Le Pen to creep into the Elysee by the back door!

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