barking mad!

By mcd3

Cabin fever

Mr McD and myself started to get cabin fever at about 4 o'clock - jumpy legs syndrome - had to get out for a breath of fresh air so we drove down to the coast to blow the cobwebs away. Parked a fair distance from the marina (the sky didn't look bad at that point!)

Wandered round taking a few photos - apparently I'm now officially "blipping mad" and I can always be found hanging back a few (well quite a few more than a few!) paces behind my patient hubby! When I eventually caught up with him ....thought that we were going for a shandy?? ..... decided against it as the Breakwater (pub) is very fancy and FAR too exspensive for its own good - $12 a pint - no thanks!

Turned round to head back to the car and realised that the sky was pitch black - and about to rain on us - and it did.

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