Sunday: Kittenish

I was still feeling a little kittenish today after the raging headache I carried around yesterday so it was a quiet, low-key sort of day.  Occasional rain slightly lessened the guilt of not doing anything more exciting.  

I did have a little read while lying on the settee (darn, that camera is heavy to hold with one hand!).  I have barely read at all since I got here - in fact, I should change my name to 'Haven't Read A Booky In Ages Goatherd'.  

Still, I think there is light at the end of the tunnel.  It does feel as if we are heading towards being more sorted and less in settling-down/unpacking/arranging the house mode.  But it is amazing how not having a commute lessens reading time.  

In his 'Complete Polysyllabic Spree', Nick Hornby lists the books he has bought, and read, at the end of each month.  I might start doing that on here - if I have nothing to list at the end of a month I will be hugely embarrassed and I am hoping the fear of that will goad me into reading action.....feel free to join in!

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