Monday: Japanese Acer

Now, I am not really one for flora or fauna but I do love this Japanese Acer in our garden.  I am particularly impressed that I know its name, although I will confess I had help in that direction.  Until recently, I just called it 'the pretty tree'.

Today was been a curate's egg of a day - annoyingly bitty in parts, but productive in others.  A new member of the team started today - last night I had a dream that three of her turned up and I didn't know which was the real one.  In my dream I was really worried that I didn't have enough work for three of them!  I think I am a bit anxious about making it right for her as first impressions are so important and I want her to like working for us.

And, finally, after nearly a year and 15 series, we have watched the whole of 'ER' and thoroughly enjoyable it was too.  We celebrated by starting to watch the third season of 'The Killing' which is promising to be as tense as the first two series.

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