
By hoodedpigwoman

Make Do And Mend

In an unintentional follow-up to Friday's blip, here is some of the Stuff of which I have Too Much.

Instead of throwing this rubbish out, I have spent a fair portion of the day mending it. George is a favourite of Alexander; as you can see, he has two buttons, one for 'funny' and the other for 'inspirational' soundbites. Fondness aside, this did not stop Alexander smashing George repeatedly into the floor tiles until he broke off at the ankles. Actually, this may show perception and political nouse well beyond his years...

The mysterious blue capsule is the reservoir from the Magic 8 Ball. The magic blue liquid has evaporated over time, and I looked up on the internet how to refill it. Then I thought I'd just get a new one. Then this morning I was asking it an Important Question, through the medium of Alexander, and he dropped it on the floor and it broke in half. So, I thought, why not fill it up now? It was very easy, after the application of some WD40, putting it in the freezer for an hour and applying a fair bit of superglue.

It has been overused in the last few days as my sister is texting and Facebooking me frequently to ask it when she's having her baby. Thank goodness she doesn't have her own, or I would fear for this baby's future. The first thing I asked it after it was resealed was if she's having it tomorrow. The answer was 'A Definite Yes'.

Where are the men in white coats?....

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