Add a dash of adventure..

By Melasaurus

Pimp My Ride

Best. Vehicle. Ever. Though it does make it a little difficult to take oneself seriously when you've just arrived somewhere in a shark bus...

This is the free shuttle bus that runs from the centre of town to Kelly Tarlton's, the Auckland aquarium, and back. Since the eagle rays that I'm currently using for my research are bing housed at Kelly's, I occasionally catch this if the timing is convenient and there's space on it (because after all, I'm not paying to visit the aquarium, so it would be a little unfair to take up the space of somebody who is).

In other news, when I marry a billionaire (ha ha), I fully intend on having a shark bus as my mode of transport. Except I'd add make sure that the Jaws theme was blaring out of it. Amazing, right?!

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