Growing old disgracefully



It would be nice to think I am a girl who knows her onions, but I am not really, tho' I'm quietly pleased by this year's efforts so far. Starting them under fleece seems to work and they even survived the harsh hailstorm two days ago.
I had really meant to spend some decent time on the bumble bees this afternoon, following on your generous comments and sage advice. However, I was delayed by various factors and by the time I got out it was pouring again and the bees don't seem to like that anymore than I do. So this is just a quick, damp shot of the onion bed instead. I spent most of the afternoon pottering around in the greenhouse, planting runner beans, dill, verbena bonariensis, sweet williams and courgettes.
Went swimming this morning with the three year old dolphin. He is getting very confident in the water and tossing aside his arm bands with gusto. It is just one more of the wonderful activities we enjoy together.

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