
By atoll

Billy Connolly on the Isle of Man Ferry

Just set off from Heysham on the Isle of Man ferry when Bill Connolly (the other one from Vancouver) introduced himself to Noah and I.

He is on holiday with his wife and originates from Liverpool having emigrated to Canada with his mother after the 1940 Blitz of Liverpool and Manchester. He had a great interest in engineering and was seeking information on the Heysham water-cooled reactors. He had asked the wrong pair and in fact preceded to tell us all about it anyway, plus a very interesting snapshot of his life. If I had thought, I would have recorded him on Audioboo, but sadly forgot.

As it happens, I had just photo'd a magnificent white Pyranian Mountain Dog with its lady owner in bright red trousers on the SeaCat deck and had thought a Belle and Sebastian Blip would nicely link my earlier Singing Ringing Tree one (both titles had formed my 70s summer holiday breakfast TV viewing). Anyway we were spoiled for choice and Bill with his many anecdotes won the day and the dubious honour.

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