Of Lyte And Darke

By Fiere

A Day Off!??!

So today was Anzac Day, which meant me honouring those who fought in the war by sleeping in :P I'm wishing we had a day off every Wednesday, it would make life a lot easier.

Did nothing most of the day (other than Wii, 'cause I'm just that cool) and then went to the beach when it was already getting dark for C's birthday. Wonderful time, although people don't like me taking photos so most of them are blurred and the good ones are usually secret >:D I had a quiet a lot of nice ones to choose from (spoilt for choice for once!) but I liked this one because I just like the way the light is shining around L's hair. I don't think she knows I took this one, people don't... until they end up on Facebook :P >:D

Left the beach with L, J and A so J and A could go to the dairy, the said that we'd go back afterwards, but we didn't so I missed the sunset, and as a photographer that annoys me immensely :|

Oh well. Back to school tomorrow :P but then weekend soon! I must go now, good byeeeeee

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