Hector's House

By MisterPrime


A good morning of glossing doors, baiting mousetraps, cooking chilli and listening to James Brown, interrupted only by the delivery of the rather spiffy new portfolio I ordered to display my prints in. So, did I allow it's pristine, shiny loveliness to distract me from the jobs in hand? Of course not, but I did allow the rather funky packing material to distract me into trying to get an interesting blip instead - especially as the weather has been far too vile to go outside and take any pictures today!

I've also been enjoying Jack White's new album, 'Blunderbuss', despite expecting anything but great things from it given the workmanlike MOR indie-rock and alt-blues he's been happily churning out recently with The Raconteurs and the Dead Weather. There's much more of a welcome left-field pop-tinge and general Stripesy weirdness about this new one - this old-time R&B cover 'voysion' being a fine example...

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