
By LeeAnne

Meet again...

... on Friday perhaps?

I took this in the rain, once the man who decided to stop right in front of my shot to take his own, totally oblivious, even when the two girls walking past rolled their eyes at him and grinned at me grinning! People are funny.

I took a whole lot of wet people shots at lunchtime too... I wandered along to Scribbler... if you're ever looking for a card then this is the shop to go to in Edinburgh. Paperchase is nice but expensive and they don't have the funny read really rude cards that I like! It's just pissed it down all day.

I walked home from work, in the rain again funnily enough and saw this. Made me chuckle. I'm off out to Spoon on Friday night and Dotty and FilthyTwitcher are staying at mine... I think Sands had a lucky escape as she's off on holiday on Saturday morning. I fear there may be a bucket or two of wine consumed!

So I figured I best get cleaning. *sigh*

I have no idea how I make so much mess. Never mind that I've been down south for almost a fortnight. I've done six loads of washing this week... six!! It's only Wednesday!! I cleaned out bunny, hoovered, dusted ish and still I'm not finished. It's half ten and I'm only just having dinner. I can't get into bed until I fold and put away the three foot high pile of clean clothes... I'm almost tempted to pack my suitcase full again in the meantime and hide it!

I'd like to blame Diggers... alas he doesn't get in the bedroom!

I'm out tomorrow night with work so there's not much time left... I'm afraid you'll have to take me how you find me on Friday girls!! :o)

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