The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Another wet one...

I know that you have monsoon starting in a few weeks but I think they are practising on us! Rain on our morning run, rain in the day and...ooh, it did stop this evening when we went out for a walk! We were going to run but my legs are pooped from last night's training and this morning's run didn't loosen them off half as much as I had hoped. So I'm saving them for tomorrow morning's run / cycle / boxing / cycle session!!!

We walked the Pear Tree walk for the first time since you went away and it was so lovely. Pippa just endlessly retrieved her tennis ball (no surprise!) but Lottie was so animated, leaping about in hedgerows and...oh yes, she did chase a hare but I wasn't too bothered as it gave her an extra long run and knackered her out! We got home and I got the fire going so now they are in a clean bed, warming their noses and paws and snoozing like babies. Our tummies are full and all is well.

Hope you got some better sleep tonight.
Oh, and I've put in my application to be an Ofsted Inspector!! ;0)

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