The rest of forever...

By DrMac

What, we are going out there?

After a lovely wet morning walk / run (legs very tired after Thursday night / Friday morning training) and breakfast number one, I headed off to Boxing and worked myself to near exhaustion. I kid you not, I was flippin knackered! Dropped in to Cobbs for piggy ears (not for me!) and home for breakfast number two, to find two rather disgruntled ladies. You see, last night I realised that their camouflage bed wasn't just a bit grubby, it was really wet, torn and stinky winky...the girls were shivering in it despite the fire making the radiators toasty and they didn't smell to great either! So I ditched the bed, chucked the old sheets and got out the 'new' bed I bought them a few months back.

Problem...whilst it is perfect from my persepctive (waterproof, wipeable, doesn't collect smells, full of beans so they can mould themselves into it) evidently the girls don't like sharing it. Whoever gets on first is fine as the beans mould to their shape, but body number two has to sit on the rock hard side that is left free. Pippa just got on with it. Lottie, however, huffed and puffed and made a right fuss. And this is how I found them...glancing out of the window at the rain and huffing that they really weren't comfortable!

So...yup, you guessed was treat day! I went to Newark and picked up a second, smaller version of this bed along with some yummy treats and brought them home...much excitement and snuggling has followed with lots of happy groans as they squished down into their new beds. They tell me that they are too old and big to share now! Mum gets the thumbs/paws up!

I have received the news that Rags is coming home on the 13th. Chaos will return!
Now, to settle down to the school work. Yawn!

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