Live, love, laugh

By Rianka

Packing Party

Today was a day of preparations.
I tried to sleep in, but got woken up by my roommates getting up and such.
I took a shower and prepared the packing party I would have later that day.

But first I was going to pick up my visa. I was so happy when I finally got it. It took a lot of trouble, worries and effort. So very relieved that I am now allowed to stay in China till the 20th of May, and I will be leaving the 18th. So its great !

Picked up Beth and Marlene at UIBE and we went to my place to let the packing begin. Beth gave me a lesson on how to pack my suitcase and backpack as efficiently as possible. We noticed that I bought a lot of souvenirs and I need to figure out how I am going to get everything home with me.
We had a lot of fun while packing and watching Disney songs on youtube.

When my roommate finally came home we dragged my suitcase back to Beth's room where it is going to stay the next couple of weeks. It was quite heavy and I went up 12 flights of stairs..

We had a lovely dinner afterwards with discussions about family, being gay and unconditional love. It was all very interesting and we almost lost track of time.
All of the sudden it was 10 o'clock and I promised home (my boy and my parents) to be online around 10.30.. So I raced to the subwaystation and was home way too late.. Nonetheless I got a change to talk to all of them. My parents even had dinner while talking to me.
I was in bed at three in the night..

The rest of my traveling preparation I will do tomorrow.
We are going to get on the 6 o'clock train from Beijing to Nanjing. After that I am going to travel to Hangzhou, Shanghai and Xi'an.
I am not sure if I will be able to blip in the time that I am traveling. I am sure to be back in Beijing the 16th of May, so see you then!

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