Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


Last day of work.
It was a little bit weird. Mostly because half of the people there didn't know it was my last day today.
So in my head I said goodbye to everyone and I hugged the children a little bit more then I already do. It felt very strange. Well, actually.. it was a normal work day. Which was strange since it was my very last one.

This morning the teacher I lived with the last 2 months left Beijing to go home, because her mother was sick. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to her. Heard that she was going home when she was still in bed and she was gone when I got home from work. I am a little bit sad about this and hope her mother will be better soon.

Last day at Xinxinyulu.
I learned a lot the last couple of months.
A lot about China and its culture.
A lot about Autism and the way they handle this in China
A lot about myself

Things I will share with you when I get back in the Netherlands.
But first, my weeks of traveling await me.

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