The life of Manuel

By MBijen


Day 117,

After a very busy day at work it was time to relax with 2 of my colleagues.
So in the car, directly to the casino! Oh wait.. we first went to the Burger King! Om nom nom.

So after ariving at the casino we started gambling! :D
Because we received some 'Bonus-fiche' because of an action we went to the roulette table to try out luck with it. When you put it on the correct number you would receive ?400,-.. So I put it on number 17.. and well.. the ball ended on NUMBER 17! :D So within the first minute of being in the Casino I won ?400,-.. I decided to be smart for once so I cashed it in, and decided to not touch it anymore.

We had fun untill around 12:00 o'clock when we decided to go home, because of work on friday.
With 400 euro's of profit! :)

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