Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Cricketers, Cyclists, Blippers - it's all go!

Woke up this morning about 5.30am, with a slightly fuzzy head. I don't think it had anything to do with the two glasses of wine last night, and forgetting to eat...

We happened upon a nice wee bar last night, after a wild goose chase about a footwear sale. It was tucked away and it's a wee gem. Except, of course, for the muzak, which got louder as the evening wore on. A few locals we bumped into agreed that it was awful, and they seemed to know the owner and were chatting to him, but why don't they say?

Apart from that it was very convivial, and I'd love to blip the long bar one day, with all sorts of folk sitting and standing along its length.

When I say two glasses of wine, I'm not counting the samples at the local wine shop, which just happened to be open as we got off the bus. The wine tasting is on every Friday, but we rarely seem to manage it. But it was most convivial as well. There was a rather dashing chap who was very entertaining, but maybe not in the way he thought he was. Pin striped suit. Blue checked shirt. Brown tie with lots of yellow sheep on it. Very sartorial.

When I say we forgot to eat, that's not strictly true. I found the papers of about six Kit Kats on the coffee table this morning. I'd bought them for S's visit at morning tea.

And so this morning, unable to go back to sleep, rather fuzzy head needing clearing, I got up and slipped out of the house. The sun wasn't even reaching the blossom. Too early!

I wandered around for a while, taking photos. I spotted one chap with a tripod, DSLR with polarising lens, and asked if he was a blipper. No, but he seemed interested. Then I asked another chap what time it was.

"Twenty five to.. "

I didn't like to ask, "Twenty five to what?" in case he thought he was talking to someone who maybe didn't even know what day it was...

I was very glad that the wee Snax cafe opened, so I had a veggie breakfast and a mug of builders tea. I think I felt better after that. Back to the Meadows to take some morning photos. I could hear John the Big Ish-oo seller's voice booming right across. I was glad I was far away from him.

Back down to the Meadows this afternoon. Lots going on. Hundreds of cyclists, so I was able to point the camera willy nilly. Got a few of Mark Beaumont. I think he's marvellous.

Took lots of cricketers too, as I like the whites on the green grass, and they're not there with blossom behind for long. I did have another one of cricketers with the old hospital in the background, but it was too tempting to chose this one.

I wonder if anyone can guess why...

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