snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie


This is the sky when walking the dog this morning at 7. This is Idle in Bradford, looking down the road towards Greengates and Apperley Bridge - not that you can see much, but some people like to know these things.

It is raining now, but at the time it was dry, and there was this space between the clouds and the earth, and the sun was rising up through it. It was a bit tough to capture with the pocket camera, but at least you get the idea.

It is pouring down so much now the dog even thought twice about needing to go out to pee. I guess dogs aren't ducks, even water dogs.

Anyway with the season turning it has dawned on me that I really ought to get a job now, can't be stuck all through winter procrastinating house and web tasks and feeling isolated.

Also maybe I ought to go learn a language or take an art course or something... something to meet people, keep sharp and creative and feel as alive as possible. Perhaps I will start by training the dog, then learn dutch, take some courses at the uni... who knows? My problem is often I have too many ideas and instead of picking one I wait trying to make up my mind. Tsk tsk.

It took me 4 months last time to find the right job, hopefully it might be faster this time around. I am not that picky but I do want to work with people I can enjoy and respect, and on something I can get enthusiastic about. I am lucky that I can talk with enthusiasm about all the places I have worked at and what we did there, and the people I worked with, and I would like to keep that. After all when you look back it is what matters, the people, the effect you had on them and them on you, and whatever you built.

I also want a good salary, not for the money (as I can live with not that much, my needs are simple) but because it does imply the value the company gives to you and how well they will listen :)

It's pouring down cold rain right now, but there will be a sunrise again tomorrow

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