snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie


One of the too-many-things I am doing is trying to fix up the top floor of the house. Some of it was done by professionals, but they leave a lot of rough edges and loose ends, so we plan to do the finishing ourselves.

This means filling whatever holes and cracks have been left, putting some foam in cavities where they didnt put insulation (such as around the hot water pipes!), cleaning, painting etc.

There are always an infinity of things to do - waterproofing a wall, trying to renovate a sash window, cleaning and refinishing the beams etc.

I was ready for another phase so I placed an order online - as is my habit I started the order and forgot about it a dozen times, only to find out 4 hours later I needed to restart the process since the basket had been cleaned etc.

So when I got the delivery I had a surprise, it needed 2 boxes.

This is the reason - I thought I had ordered 1 of the foam thingies, but somehow I had ordered a box of 12. Oops! You'd think I'd have noticed the difference between £3 and £30 but no, I missed it - I had restarted the order so many time I was then in a hurry. I had noticed another similar error, but not this one.

We can be sure no cavity and space in our walls will be left unfilled, and some of it might end up on freecycle as well.

PS: anyone have some knowledge on renovation, bathroom removal, radiator removal and other related bits - I'd love to ask questions ;)

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