Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Still not well

Henry is still pretty unwell with his cold. We ended up taking him to the out of hours GP last night as he was making a funny grunting noise as if he couldn't breathe properly and had a few blotches of a purply non-blanching rash. Typically by the time we had got there he was breathing normally and his usual smiley self!

He couldn't sleep overnight unless he was propped up on my chest so I didn't sleep because I was scared I was going to drop him or he was going to fall into the pillows and smother. Then we got up and his nose was so blocked he couldn't feed - nightmare! I ended up spooning passion fruit sorbet into him because it was all he would have.

After a couple of hours of sitting up his nose had cleared a bit, he had a good feed and we all had a 2 hour nap. His temperature is still up and down - at one point it was 39.1 despite calpol and ibuprofen.

Here's hoping tonight is less eventful! Today's blip is Henry administering his morning dose of calpol - he fights it unless I let him hold the syringe and have a bit of a chew on it between squirts of medicine.

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