living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Sleeping bunnies

Not the best picture- I took it in semi-darkness this a.m. with my crappy phone camera as it was the only thing close but I had to use it anyway. I love waking up to this sweetness in the morning!

Horrible weather today (again). A friend of mine got some really sad news and I can't stop thinking about her and about the cruelties life pays to the loveliest of people. That kind of sums the day up. It has been mainly indoors, curled up, waiting for the sun to come out again..

Oh, Cleo did some "drawings" on the fogged up windows. I wanted to take a picture of the first thing she ever drew and named but I missed it and I'm not even sure what it was- but today she drew a necklace, mommy's glasses and a wincy spider. She's also doing a lot more role play and made a snappy crocodile with bread crusts. It's really the first time I've seen her do anything like that, my girlie is growing up! *sob*

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