Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Tired Boy

Rough night last night, William woke up loads, for no apparent reason. This morning, Jim got up with the small people and gave them breakfast the about an hour later brought me a cup of tea. I got up at this point and let him go back to sleep.

The kids had a second breakfast with me and then played really nicely until about 10am. At this point we all got dressed and I took C to her friends to play and William and I shot to Stevenage for some bits. I knew it had been a bad night when he fell asleep in the car on the way home!

Woke both Daddy and William so I could go for a run in the rain. I'm not sure I will ever run in the dry again! Back for lunch and then a bit of play before heading out to get Carys.

We all then went swimming. It was lovely. William had three real break throughs:
1) he wore his goggles
2) he jumped in loads and submerged, despite going upside down when I 'helped' him jump in and all we could see were his feet. He climbed out saying 'I no like it' gave me a cuddle but was soon back jumping in.
3) He insisted on having a shower at the end, standing fully under it so it went over his head.

Home for tea and we tried a new recipe for corned beef hash. Daddy slightly over egged the pinch of cayenne pepper so that C refused to eat it and Will after each mouthful said 'it burn my tongue' took a gulp of milk and then went on to eat another mouthful!

With all the excitement yesterday I completely forgot that William was exactly two and a half which is why he is my blip today. Yesterday I became an Aunty again to Ellie Grace. Congratulations to Vic and James. Can't wait to meet her and have cuddles. x

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