Brand New Day

By brandnewday

Sunday (the day before my birthday)

I'm going to be like the Queen and have two birthdays this year. Although today is officially my 365th blip, because of the leap year, I won't have officially made it to one year until tomorrow.

So, I hope you don't mind in indulging me that today will be my first blipday and tomorrow will be another!

I had a relatively relaxing day today which included going to visit my folks, where I got fed Sunday dinner. It's always good when someone else does the cooking.

9 times out of 10, when I'm leaving, my Mum gives me some soup or cake that she's made, and today was no different. Well maybe just a bit because I left with banana loaf as well as today's blip which is one of my favourites - clootie dumpling. I like to eat it warm once it's just been taken out of the oven after it's dried; cold, either with or without butter; or fried, along with square sausage, fried egg, bacon and potato (or tattie as we call them here) scone for a delicious but completely unhealthy, Sunday breakfast.

Sunday (The Day Before My Birthday) - Moby

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