in the making

8:30pm and helping Mrs theWeir make some gingerbread cupcakes for our brother-in-law's birthday tomorrow.

She's not long home from a long shift and this a new recipe. The batter had a fabulous smell, and the cakes seemed to cook well.

Another action packed day, lots of life, enjoyed helping Emma and Kirsty this morning at KCC, always grateful when we make room for God to speak. Even more when we listen.

The weeWeir and I headed up to my 'rent's house for me to help lay slabs/build new shed with my dad and the weeWeir to see how much energy she relieve my mum of. A successful afternoon topped off with a little ice cream treat and home for bath and bedtime.

It struck me today that service is nothing to do with me, except for my attitude. Where it's actually all about the person you are serving. It's easy to dress up self-obsession or self-importance in the clothes of helping others and serving their needs. Often I know my own motivation is far less about giving life away and much more about me.

Lord, help me give me life away in the right ways.

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