investigations of a dag

By kasty

look on the bright side

the chap in the sharp blue suit is my friend Dan and within 12 hours of this picture being taken got married to his lovely lady Leonie.

A 50 strong group of close friends and family journeyed to Malmesbury and were forced to be in a lovely gastro pub (the potting shed) and drink wine and talk rubbish until the wee hours. Shocking. On the right are some of Leonie's theatrical buddies Shane and Eve (she has just left a marvellous theatre company called Paperbirds). This is a very rare and probably theatrical frown from Eve, most of the night was spent catching up, drinking wine, dancing, drinking wine, singing, drinking wine, solving relationship and geopolitical dilemmas, drinking wine, waiting on village taxis, drinking wine, running across the rainy grass barefoot, drinking wine. Yet much of it is a blur. Can't think why.

Aside the bountiful bonhomie and the imminent nuptials, I had another reason to celebrate.

Just after the plane landed I got an email offering me a place at Glasgow Uni Starting September. I damn near collapsed through the floor. I couldn't speak and had to give the phone to my good friend Rachel to read.

The fear didn't check in until later, with the hangover. How will I live? Am I good enough? can I learn.. blahdeblahblah.. for now, that evening as I got text after text from loved ones or let people know the news in person, I was just a teeny wee bit amazed with myself. Never ever thought I could actually do this. A long way to go, but a start.

Writing this as I am, 2 days later - a lot more practicalities need thought but I'm still a little in shock as to how this all happened. And still a little hazey about this evening other than it was good.

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