Come into the Garden

By aprecious

No Breakfast

"No one is so brave that he is not disturbed by something unexpected."
Julius Caesar

First of all they starved me by forgetting to give me breakfast. Can you believe it?

Then aprecious seems to think I haven't noticed and blatantly - and I mean blatantly - wolfs hers down in front of me. Sensitive? Much? Is she going mad?

Next thing I know I'm whisked off in the car and I'm standing outside a shop thing. aprecious is looking a bit sheepish and doesn't seem to want me to say hello to the other cats and dogs in the waiting room. I get my revenge by gnawing through my lead. I'm starving. It's 12 hours and 5 minutes since I've eaten!

A door opens and a really lovely young woman pops out and asks me to get on the scales. Ah, so I'm actually at weight watchers? It's 12 hours and 10 minutes without a single morsel passing my lips!

We go off into a little room then and aprecious chats away whilst I ferret around for food. None!

I notice there's some paper on the bench - I'm not above scoffing that when necessity calls. Or cardboard. It's 12 hours and 20 minutes now and I'm getting desperate.

Chat, chat, chat - then I go off into another room. I've a good feeling about this one having a lovely breakfast waiting for me.

I'm just rushing in when I notice aprecious isn't behind me. Well, she managed to snaffle her grub didn't she? So I've no sympathy if she misses out.

Maud is at the vet's today to be spayed. I am sure she will be fine. I, on the other hand, may have to joke about it and pretend it's not happening. Oh look, I have!

Update at 7:00pm. Maud is fine! A little groggy but quite happy and with a bucket collar - how popular will I be tomorrow?

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