My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

Hand On Your Heart

Happy Birthday Mrs blip!

Unfortunately you had to go to work today :(

But I drove you to work and got you your coffee, from the well known astronomically named hot drink emporium :)

But the Barista cocked up got the order wrong and put an extra shot in when it wasn't required :(

But you drank it anyway, because you're nice like that :)

And when you were finished work, My Girl & I came to get you :)

But there was no time to do anything, because I had to take My Girl to choir practice and you were off to visit your family :(

Eventually, we all met up again and had a late dinner together :)

And now it's almost tomorrow :(

But tomorrow we're going out for a meal at your favourite restaurant :)

Wagamama :)

Happy Birthday Mrs blip

Three cheers for you

Blip, Blip Hooray

Blip, Blip Hooray

Blip, Blip Hooray

Lots of love, from us both xxx

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