Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Something About Life and Death ...

Cue 'The Circle of Life' here :) On my afternoon walk today, I came across a bird skull. I know the body has been there a long time, but I never saw the skull before - it was just sitting in the grass not too far from the rest of its body. I wonder if the lawn mower got it? Anywho, I decided to see if I could include it in today's Blip. It was a weird find and I kind of feel sad for the poor bird. It has been laying there since at least the end of last summer. I don't even know what kind of bird it was - I was guessing maybe a crow, but I think it is way too small to be that. For reference, the flowers are forget-me-nots and the black furry mass under the skull is one of Loki's forelegs. Who knows, but R.I.P. bird, sorry you met your end in such a lonely way :(

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