Life on the edge...

By bru22

Don't judge a book by its cover...

My hair turns a lot of heads. It is slightly "different" although... I am a pretty "normal" person. I like to think?! Whatever "normal" is. I will never know. I wake up, go to work, come home from work, drink too much... Take too many pictures... Think too much... Sleep and do it all again... Here is...

A little list for Angelabc2378

Things people say about my hair.

1 - "why do I not just have a normal haircut... Dyed a normal colour...?
I asked my hairdresser as the peroxide tingle burn started to take over my scalp...

She replied (in confusion that I needed to ask...)

"because that just wouldn't be you...


2 - As I was getting ready for a concert, in the Music Hall in Aberdeen. (I am a violinist in Aberdeen Sinfonietta) One of the other "older" violinists said...

"I think you should tone that down a bit..."

I was genuinely shocked... O_O

Why? Is it in my contract?!

The sound that comes out of my violin is no different whether my hair is standing Jedward high, or flat as a pancake!! - this frustrates me. So many people automatically judge others. Get... A... Grip.

For the record I took out my hair gel and made sure my hair was extra spiked for this particular concert... and since then have added the blonde section!

(Although, Maybe it does effect my sound?!?!...)

3 - "Wow, That is one brave haircut.."

Sigh...How can a haircut be brave?!

Going out and fighting for your country is brave... Saving a life is brave... Running into a burning house to check it is empty, that's brave... Having my hair like it is... No. Just, no.

4 - "Lesbian alert! - since when did having your hair cut "different" suddenly mean you were a lesbian?!

Ok, I am. But still...

5 - Why do you not just have your hair one colour and one length...

Famous words from my disapproving mother... Because it's my hair and I'll do whatever I damn well please with it?! - or what my hairdresser wants to!! As I really don't actually get too much of a say in it! Unless I don't like it!

6 - Whey, you look like Jedward

...Great, cheers....

7 - What do you do with your hair when you teach?!

Umm... Well... I tend to teach with my brain and not with my hair... So... Eh... Yeah... Nothing?! I maybe play with it and move it out of my eyes every now and again...?!

8 - How long does it take you to do that?!?!

About 3 hours..?! JOKING. Jees... 0.8 seconds if I really concentrate?! WTF... It's just a bit of hairgel...

9 - Are you tryin to make a statement


10 can I touch it..?

Said the crazy lady at Meldrum bus stop one day when I had it all spiked up... I didn't let her touch it, as that is just weird!!!

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else
Margaret Mead

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