living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Crane Wife

I had some fun with this one, trying to summon my inner crane for the Musical May photo challenge (though I am probably more crone wife than crane wife these days).

The song Crane Wife 1 &2 by the Decemberists is about a Japanese folk tale:

A poor man finds an injured crane outside with an arrow in it, takes it in and nurses it back to health. After he releases the crane, a woman appears at his doorstep with whom he falls in love and marries. Because they need money, his wife offers to weave wondrous clothes out of silk that they can sell at the market, but only if he agrees never to watch her making them. They begin to sell them and live a comfortable life, but he soon makes her weave them more and more. Oblivious to his wife's declining health, his greed increases. He eventually peeks in to see what she is doing to make the silk she weaves so desirable. He is shocked to discover that at the loom is a crane plucking feathers from her own body and weaving them into the loom. The crane, seeing him, flies away and never returns.

"There's a bend in the wind and it rakes at my heart.
There is blood in the thread and it rakes at my heart.
Rakes at my heart...

My crane Wife."
- Decemerists, Crane Wife 1&2

My list-
1) Radiohead- Street Spirit
2) Hem- Hollow
3) Feist- So Sorry
4) Decemberists- Crane Wife 1&2
5) Of Montreal- A Sentence of Sorts in Kongsvinger
6) Radiohead- Nice Dream
7) Elliott Smith- Pitseleh
8) Tori Amos- Hey Jupiter
9) Bjork- Bachelorette
10) Susanne Vega- No Cheap Thrill
11) Regina Spektor- Flowers
12) The Killers- Andy You're a Star
13) Boy and Bear- Rabbit Song
14) The Shins- Mine is Not a High Horse
15) Feist- my Moon My Man
16) Okkervil River- For Real
17) Goldfrappe- Train
18) Muse- Time is Running Out
19) Cake- Short Skirt Long Jacket
20) Mumford & Sons- The Cave
21) Neko Case- Deep Red Bells
22) Laura Marling- Old Stone
23) Queen- Don't Stop Me Now
24) Yeah Yeah Yeah's- Heads Will Roll
25) Tom Waits- 16 Shells From A 30 Ought 6
26) Phoeonix- Rome
27) Iron and Wine- Cinders and Smoke
28) Florence and the Machine with a Kid Harpoon- Going down
29) Tori Amos- Doughnut Song
30) Boy and Bear- Blood to Gold
31) Of Montreal- Labrynthian Pomp

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