Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Back Blip

As in a blip of my back. Today has been an interesting an unexpected day. Had a really nice pottering-in-my-pajamas start. Was then experimenting about 9.30 with a new mushroom dish, and stirring the pot by the cooker when a massive spasm of pain took control of my back making me fall to the floor, unable to control my legs. After 2o minutes of concerned family putting pillows under my head and giving me TLC, I managed to get on to a chair, went white and felt nauseous and nearly feinted.

Fortunately things got better after that - some rest and some sleep and starting to get mobile again means I am now, come evening, just in a lot of pain (!) but can move around. I do have a history of sciatica but not in the last decade, so hopefully this is just a one off.

On the plus side - The Dizzle had a lovely afternoon out in London with his godmother, TSM is out with the girlies, and The Smiling Giant is out again for the fourth night in a row enjoying the company of his mates. The Girl racer and I sat and watched LoveFilm whilst I nursed my back and she nursed her cold, but it was good to slump together.

Tired, aching and pissed off at not being able to do what I wanted to today - absurdly three things went through my head as I lay on the floor: (1) How will I look after TSM after her op next week; (2) what about work; and (3) how will I blip if I am stuck on my back? Just goes to show that I am a dedicated blipper ...

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