Specks Appeal

By REDMarmalade

Oh look there's a rogue bird in there too!

Into town today with Awsomo to meet up with Mama L, La, Fiz & Tig. They came through from Forres for a visit. Was lovely to see them, but my god I was in agony with my foot. Tuesday's visit to the dr can't come quick enough.

Finished off our day with a trip to see The Avengers and a much needed seat! Took this shot as we drove down the beach boulevard on our way home after the cinema. Couldn't resist those clouds and setting sun..... Oh look there's a rogue bird in there too! Sneaky birdy!

Mama T and Webster now over. They're staying tonight so I'm near all blethered out! Been fine seeing a'bidy though.

REDMarmalade xxx

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