Simple. White. Beautiful.

Today was a day for gardening, starting with the annual task of cleaning out the pond pump and filter. Mercifully, the oodles of slimy gunk found in both does not smell as bad as it looks. And it looks - green, slimy, and revolting. However, scrubbing it all and changing the UV lamp - oh, and scraping handfulls of blanket weed out of the pond - meant the pump now runs properly, and the pond was much clearer after a few hours. Then I had to crawl inside the water butt - not a job for claustrophobics - to fix a broken tap. Cut the grass. Do some weeding. Then there was an extended shower of hailstones. Tackled printing some photographs I'd taken - and for that had to read up on some new techniques, and was pretty pleased with the results.

As it was someone's birthday, I thought I'd better make some tea, so did a quick - well, not so quick, actually, coq au vin, which meant a trip to the supermarket.

Took a couple of calls to arrange a radio interview for first thing Monday morning.

And while the tea was cooking, had a stroll round the garden. Things are really coming on - lots of plants are starting to flower. Among them, this Trillium. Simple. White. Beautiful.

And we watched the DVD of The Social Network. Facebook may be worth billions of dollars, but I still think it's a complete waste of time.

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