Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza


We each have our own love language - the things that make us feel loved. I read a book recently that really spoke to me - just made sense of it all. The Five Love Languages. It was such a great explains a lot about relationships and what you and your partner need to feel loved.

The whole point of the book is that you discover your partners love language and you try to keep their "love tank" full. These languages were developed in each of us as children.

I have a friend who does everything for his wife - buys her flowers, gifts, takes her to dinners...and she is still upset with him and yells constantly. He read the book about two weeks ago and light bulb went off...her language is quality time...not "material things"...hes so excited about finding out this little fact and is seeing some progress.

Im happy for him, but it does take two to make it work...he can tell her about what he discovered, but its up to her to meet him half can only lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink...that I know firsthand.

Language 1: Words of Affirmation...this would be me...just simple verbal appreciation is all is takes for me to feel loved...thank you's, compliments, emails...things like that.

Language 2: Quality focusing your attention on your partner. It includes sharing experiences, thoughts, feelings, in an uninterrupted context.

Language 3: Receiving Gifts...these are visual symbols of love. These types of people are more likely to treasure any gift as an expression of love and devotion. The lack of gifts often represent lack of love from their partner.

Language 4: Acts of Service...include gestures such as simple chores. You may need to find out what your partner it washing the car, walking the dog, doing the dishes.

Language 5: Physical Touch...physical touch can be anything - a physical connection, back massages, hand holding. For a partner who speaks this language, physical touch can make or break the relationship.

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