Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza

They're still around...

...Song of the moment...makes me think of someone special...just had a rough day today.

Its October, why are bees still around?!! I got bold with this one - Im allergic to bees, but I love to photograph them.

I was stung so many times when I was a child and had no reaction at all...but as I got older, I had quite a reaction once...almost died. Doctor called it "hypersensitivity to bee venom"...I dont remember much...I had a lot of wheezing, stomach hurt so bad - got sick, and then the blood pressure dropped...almost passed out...which is what leads to death...this can happen in a matter of minutes. That wasnt fun at all...

Yeah, I dont get too close to bees anymore and do wear long sleeve shirts and pants mostly. I do have a shot that I can inject myself with if I accidentally get stung - dont take it with me as often as I should, but its around the house.

Being allergic to bees is not uncommon at all - 4 out of 1,000 people have some allergy. And it is more common in adults...90% of serious allergies are in people over 25 years old...

...they're so beautiful though...

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