Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Whoa, gnarly ride, dude!

(what the blue must have been thinking to him/herself.)

Okay, first of all - I feel like a big pile of poo today. (brace yourself, the whining starts ... now!) Woke up with the fur ball still lodged in my throat, only feeling more like a ball of Brillo. Had to work this morning but at least the sun was out and I was able to do my phone calls from the deck, in the sun. Then, just about the time the working part of my day was over, it clouded up and started raining. Nothing to do but go back to bed for awhile. But, I get so bored just lying there (yep, more whining and bitching - don't say I didn't warn you!) so I bundled up in my polar fleece and sat under the gazebo on the deck and watched the rain. And the birds ... who apparently like the rain and couldn't care less that I feel like a big ol' pile of poo.

Sheesh, now I'm bored with myself.

I wanted to get a close up of the blue jay's magnificent butt - not perfect because I had to use higher ISO than is ideal, but gives you a glimpse. By the way, nothing done to this shot other than a bit of crop. The other shot that I kind of liked was this one of the jay giving me her back.

The highlight of the day (notwithstanding the whole pile-of-poo thing) was that I saw another ruby-throated hummer this morning, this time a female! She was making the rounds of the the columbine and clematis flowers on the deck. Such a welcome sight.

Okay, off to get tea, lemon, honey. Do you think it is too early to add a shot of brandy? Oh, what the hell - it's 5 pm here...

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