An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Going Live!

Feel the golden glow :))

So that was the Bank Holiday huh?

David was working today so just Alan and me here. Poor boy had to amuse himself for the majority of the day as I had so much stuff to do! Having said that he only had to amuse himself for half a day as being the lazy teenager, he didn't get out of bed till lunchtime!

The big news for today is our house is officially for sale.....or as the estate agent put it, the sale's "gone live"!! Having had our instructions of do's and don'ts to prepare the house to be photographed for the brochure, we've now received an email of dos and don'ts in preparation for viewings, which includes not eating kippers for breakfast. As if! No, just boiled eggs for us ;-)))

Got to the end of week 1 of the OU photography course, assignment done but still struggling a bit with the photoshop software. Will have to watch the tutorials a few more times I suspect. Have one final task to do (create a course directory in PS for my photos) and will have a go once we're all in bed and I can concentrate.

Thank you all so much again for your very generous hearts, comments and favs over the last few days. You have no idea how big a boost that has given me as I start this course. I've been so nervous about it! Apologies too that I probably won't get around to commenting much over the next few days but that doesn't mean I'm not viewing and enjoying your journals as much as ever.

Hope everyone's had a great Bank Holiday weekend :)) xx

PS Today's photo is a small tribute to Molly a loved and respected and hugely missed Blipper who posted her last Blip a year ago today. I had just joined blip and was only coming to realise what an exceptional person she was, when she sadly passed away. Her journal is a joy to read and a wonderful legacy.

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