A seasider's view

By cabrogan

No bills allowed on this walk

...spotted in Prestwick today, on a wet and windy day trip to the seaside.

We ate our packed lunch on the train - the beach really wasn't going to be an option - then had a spell in the softplay. Rather, Shortie did, I read Saturday's paper.

After, we set off along the coast, heading north and without a clear idea of the route, to Troon. Bad, bad idea. Much pattering rain and cold wind halfway into this venture, when we came upon a river and no obvious bridge to get over to the Troon side.


Walked back to where we'd started off, a bit wet and grumpy, but distracted the wean by pointing out the sound of the skylarks (possibly my favourite birdsong), then watching the gannets diving.

Even better consolation in the form of hot chocolate and icecream from Mancini's cafe on the front.

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