
8:30pm and I've been handed as rather busted iPod touch. A very busted iPod touch. Along with a replacement digitiser and other components with which to fix said busted iPod touch. Which isn't mine.

Today has been full of life. And rhythms of activity.

Up with Mrs theWeir to make a vat of fruit salad for lunch at KCC later on, then cycled to MiLs to walk the dogs, home to get ready for KCC then off we go. A good morning, great moments of reflection and aware of a love that passes understanding.

After lunch and clear up, home and we all climbed into bed and watched a DVD was on. Not much was watched by me.

Then up and at 'em to get the weeWeir to SiL as Mrs theWeir and I were back to KCC for an evening special thing. Which was lots of fun, great to share the time with visitors and friends.

Then a real treat on the way home. Garlic Bread Pizza - with cheese. A complete calorific blowout, but as we'd skipped dinner, it was *okay*.

Actually, it was a throw back to days of youth and time spent with friends on a Sunday night.

Biggest thing that struck me today was the diversity of broken-people-being-made-whole that we share our lives with. What a privilege.

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