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Although I bought a couple of replacement tyres a couple of months ago I wasn't quite ready to replace the front one quite yet as it still had some tread and is somewhat less susceptible to sudden terminal wear than the rear, which is much easier to lock when braking and carries much more weight and which also has to deal with all the driving forces. It was somewhat fortunate that the side seam waited until I'd just jumped off and scuttled across a road this morning before popping and causing a blowout, whereas if the red light which had caused me to jump off and scuttle had been a second later in arriving then I'd have been going round a corner when it went, in the wrong direction as far as the side with the rip on would be concerned. It was mildly irritating that it happened today when I had to get back in time to collect the wingpiglet as Nicky would be late getting away from work when I couldn't simply pop out at lunchtime and get a new tyre when there was one which had been bought at a discount already sitting in the house. Walking back at lunchtime to collect it, bringing it back on sparebike then walking in on either Thursday or Friday to bring the additional bike home did cross my mind but in the end I went for booting the knacked tyre with a Blipcard. I could have used a bit of cardboard from the box the spare tube came in but I only ended up using the spare tube when it turned out that the tube of glue in my puncture repair kit, though unopened (I originally thought it had dried up when nothing came out, but the wee foil cap thing was unbroken) had dried up through age due to hardly having been required since I started using this sort of tyre.

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