Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Beautiful Springtime Blossoms!

Husband had made arrangements to meet up with a couple of people we hadn't seen in quite some time for lunch today. We wound up at a restaurant a short distance from Lake Ontario.

As we were going to the restaurant, I spotted what looked like a cherry tree by the bark, although I'm not certain. The tree was bursting with the most beautiful buds everywhere! Even the pink buds that aren't close to opening yet were pretty pink orbs!

We had a lovely time, although our friends commented they thought perhaps they would go ahead and order without us, since I was going to stand outside with a camera, taking pictures of a tree! It was all in good fun...they did indeed wait!

After lunch, we had to scurry off for other obligations. Oh how nice it would have been to wander down to the lake. Ah well, perhaps next time.....

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