Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Look what I can do!!

I can now stand with two feet flat on the ground!

It may not seem much to you, but it is a huge achievement for me. It has been 10months since I did this last without a help from a heel wedge or crutches!
It feels great to not be in pain when doing this and means the operation was a success!

Some things have changed since last week and I don't know why and don't know if I should be worried!
1) I now have cravings for milky tea and have had cups and cups of the stuff (I only EVER drank black coffee)
2) I have lost my apetite, can't be bothered eating anything and nothing is enjoyable
3)I can't be bothered reading anything, not even a magazine.
4) I am quite teary.
What's going on!!!

My wound area is really sore today and I am really sleepy which is not ideal as I should be moving as much as possible.

Tomorrow's another day! (the day my staples are removed)!

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