Keeping busy

Once again - thank you for all of your kind words, hearts, stars and spotlight. It means so much to me.

Also I need to thank you again for the beautiful tributes that was posted yesterday. Tina, Miss Buttercup and DrMacBatts.

I feel that I need to think of Whisper constantly. He needs to be on my mind all of the time as that is the only place I can find him now. I cannot stop thinking of him - as he will disappear if I do. But when I see your blips and read you comments then I understand that you are thinking of him too and that gives me a little peace. Thank you so much.

I have some very busy days ahead of me. I have just started writing my exam paper, which I need to hand in on the 16th May - before I fly to Salzburg on the 17th to judge the Heelwork To Music and Freestyle Championships on the 18th - 21th. When I come home, I need to prepare for my verbal exam and for my weekend of teaching in France in the beginning of July.

Judging the World Championship will be tough. Whisper was on the Danish HTM team that won the World Championship in 2010. He would have been one of the 'defending champions' even though he was not meant to try to defend the title. Lots of the handlers that will be competing have promised to dancer for Whisper though - so I am sure it will be a beautiful and moving experience too. I will try to limit my crying to the hotel room in the evenings.

My strategy at the moment seems to be 'Keep too busy to think'! It is hard as I don't want to stop thinking of Whisper, but there is so much I just need to get done.

I have been focusing on my books all morning and later today my best friend Helle will come and we will train dogs, think of Whisper and most likely cry a little.

This picture is from our morning walk. It is Hero jumping in the high grass. I don't know what I would have done, if I had not had the 3 boys to cuddle. Their fur is excellent to cry into. I miss Whisper so much, but I am grateful for Biscuit, Beat and Hero.

Thanks again!
Emmy & the Hazyland boys

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