Not a good day!

Well, this looks like great fun... And it was!!!! The dogs really enjoyed their run in the field. Unfortunately Hero cut his paw pad and was bleeding all over the living room floor, when we came home :-(

Then Beat and Biscuit had a fight. I guess I have to expect them to be a bit unsettled these days after having lost an important pack-member and they stopped when I shouted so no one was injured, but it is still not nice.

Besides from that I am busy with my exam paper - have been buried in big piles of books all day. It is so hard to concentrate - my thoughts keep wandering off... off to Whisper.

So all in all a pretty bad day... but then... isn't blip just the best place?! So much support and care from all over the world!

Thank you Cider. And thank you to all the rest of you wonderful blippers too.

Emmy & the Hazyland boys

PS. It's Hero in the back, Beat in the middle and Biscuit in the front.

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