Naming Days

By Leeleee

Spin Me Out Of Control

Finally a sleep in this weekend-felt like I haven't had one of these in weeks! :)
Soccer: versed north west or nor west or something rather. A team with a really nice blue and white uniform. They are top of the table in our div so I went in thinking this was going to be harder than usual. 1st 20 minutes were all us, they were getting scared then they got an amazing goal-from there we were gone. They had 3 amazing gingers like amazing and 2 I think we're twins because I kept getting muddled between who was who. Some weren't so lovely on their team and the ref in the 2nd half was a little for his team so we ended up losing 4/0. They were good, they deserved to win though :)
I learnt a lot in that game.and got a bit angry (;
Thought I had plans this evening but im not sure what happened so I went to the vintage store down the road and discussed poofy skirts. Going back tommorrow <3
Relaxed around home. Nice to have some down time. Heh night

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