Snowy Owl

This is a snowy owl yawning or something. I took it at Woodside Falconry just outside of Langworth, somewhere I always lived within ten miles of and never been. The day was superb, as well as this specimin they had a collection of (shockingly) birds of prey as well as otters, meerkats and reptiles. I went there with Fe (bryher), my Dad (petezipit), Mo (mo53) my brother (Mysterius H) Mel (not a blipper) and Isaac (two, so possibly too young to own a camera). It was one of those days that you don't realise is going to be great, but it is. I had about 15 blip-worthy pics but chose this because as a youngster I had a passion for owls. I had an owl poster on my bedroom wall. Looking back I was a somewhat odd child. For my 14th birthday I asked to go to a museum with my friends to look at roman artifacts, and for christmas of my 15 year I asked (and got) a word processor. I never considered myself a nerd though.


In other news The Day After Tomorrow is on. It really is the biggest pile of self absorbed American bullshit I have ever had the misfortune to sit through. I've only got it on as background noise whilst I blip and frankly I'm appalled at myself.

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